The Secretary of Municipal Committee Qi Cai and his entourage searched municipal enterprises in the UK

Time:Jun 28, 2018 09:47 AM From: Author: Font size:BigMiddleSmall Print

On May 14th,when the Secretary of Municipal Committee friendly visited to the UK, Qi Cai researched municipal enterprises, heard business operation report and instructed subsequent overseas business. Secretary-General Shuqiang Cui,Deputy Secretary-General Zhanxing Liu, Foreign Affairs Office Director JiulingXiong attended the research.

Xiaoyang Zhang, who is director from BCDH Capital Holding (UK) Limited, reported the development of overseas business in corporate group. The main emphases were business evolution of SHOKAI from 2015 and business operation about holding three high-class office properties in the UK.

Qi Cai made important instructions regarding overseas business in the following years. First, overseas business should be strengthened risk control, improved risk consensus, reinforced protection measures and ensured overseas assets and personal security. Second, expanding overseas markets should be done solid work and be made clear judgement. As an external factor, Brexit is a challenge as well as an opportunity. Enterprises should develop market positively and make deliberate plan, analysis and judgment. In the same time, enterprises should follow the local market economy so that could ensure economic performances. Third, enhance resource interconnection between home and abroad. Enterprises could seize the historical opportunity, “the Belt and Road”, existent overseas business as a platform, actively promote overseas enterprises come into China and make contributions to Beijing economic development. Forth, strengthen communication and connection with consulate, build the party well in overseas enterprises.